February 28, 2009

Thinking of those warmer days...

When it was around 75-80 degrees out, and the birds were singing, and when the grass was green, and those warm summer nights when you could just sit out on your porch, and sit out in the grass with a cat, and just sitting there and smelling all of the sweet fragrances of the flowers all around you! If that doesn't make you want those warmer days, I don't know what else does! :)

February 23, 2009

A little hello :)

Well, we finally got all of our computer problems taken care of! The way we did it was to say bye to the old one and say hello to a new one! So far no problems. :) Things here have been going well except for a little sickness here and there, but other than that pretty well! We have finally found another house that we are interested in and are gong to go see it tomorrow morning. All of us really like it a lot, so please pray that it will be the house!
Over the past couple of months God has really taught me a lot about patience. Between looking for a house for over a year and a few other things, God has just really shown me to just give all of my worries to Him and He will take care of it. And it is just so nice to know that He does have everything under control. Well, have a good night! :)


February 12, 2009

Computer Problems!

Just a quick note to tell you that we are having a lot computer problems on BOTH of our
computers! So I will not be able to post a whole lot for a little while. Pray that we will be able to get everything worked out!! Thanks!! :)


February 9, 2009

February 6, 2009

Our Amish

Here are some pictures that I took of our Amish houses/land that live close by us. They have a few little stores that my Mom likes to go to, so whenever she goes to one, it is a good opportunity for me to take a few pictures. :)

*NOTE: Most of the things like the house, barns, swing set/sandbox etc. is all hand-made by the Amish. It is really neat how they do it!

Please Pray

My Grandpa has been in the hospital now for 2 days. We haven't been able to find out what exactly he has going on, but hopefully, Lord willing, we will find something out soon. PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM!!!! Thank you! :)

February 1, 2009

2009 Family Pictures~

A Little Time Away... A Good Thing??

Just today I realized just how long it has been since I have posted something! But because of the normal craziness of a typical large family life, I have stepped out of the wonderful world of blogging for awhile. :) I can't believe how fast time flies! In the time that I have been away we have been able to get a lot of much needed house work and such done. In a way it has been a blessing to be away for a little while. :)

I have been praying that the Lord may open a door to let me start teaching piano. I called a friend of mine to ask if there was any chance that she would like me to teach her 2 children and she said that she wanted to pray and talk to her husband about it, but said that she would really like me to and that there was a great chance that I would! I am so excited and hope that it is the Lords will for me to do so! So please pray for me that I might just be able to do it! I hope that I will be able to post again to you soon!

May God bless you!