March 29, 2010

~Busy Days~

Well, I know it has been a very long time since I have posted and you could award me the "Worst Blogger of the Year" award if you wanted to. :) Since my last post, we have had 2 birthdays...Matthews and Dads. :) Matthew turned 9 March 1st. It has been such a blessing (and a lot of fun) to watch him grow from a baby to a busy boy running constantly around with a wooden sword of some kind or a toy gun. :)

Things around here have been pretty busy, especially with Easter within days away. I am playing the piano at Church for both Good Friday Service and the Adult Choir and Girls Quartet on Easter. Fun, fun! :) I have really enjoyed playing for the Teen/ Adult Choirs, but I am very ready for it to be over with. :)

I will try to post some pictures here soon of everything. :) We are about to have some awesome weather, so I'll try to get out and shoot some Easter photos. :)
