July 24, 2010

Camp | Fun

Well, I am back after 2 weeks of counseling at Camp P!!! It was a ton of fun, and what was probably THE most exciting for me was that we had a few girls accept Christ as their Saviour, and then several who made some spiritual decisions!! Praise the Lord! It really was a wonderful time, and even though I am very happy to be home...I miss being there...can't wait for next year! ;)

<3 Chelsea

July 7, 2010

July 6, 2010

Bee w/ Flower

This was taken in a small town about 5 minutes from my house.


Today I am at a very good friends house doing photography related stuff for a local contest that is coming up! :)  Here are a few photos that I took while at a cow farm not far from her house. :)

Chelsea <3