February 1, 2009

A Little Time Away... A Good Thing??

Just today I realized just how long it has been since I have posted something! But because of the normal craziness of a typical large family life, I have stepped out of the wonderful world of blogging for awhile. :) I can't believe how fast time flies! In the time that I have been away we have been able to get a lot of much needed house work and such done. In a way it has been a blessing to be away for a little while. :)

I have been praying that the Lord may open a door to let me start teaching piano. I called a friend of mine to ask if there was any chance that she would like me to teach her 2 children and she said that she wanted to pray and talk to her husband about it, but said that she would really like me to and that there was a great chance that I would! I am so excited and hope that it is the Lords will for me to do so! So please pray for me that I might just be able to do it! I hope that I will be able to post again to you soon!

May God bless you!

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