September 18, 2009

Lazy Days In Ohio...

The days just keep on getting shorter and shorter, and the leaves are gradually getting all of their beautiful fall colors on. The animals are getting lazy and the insects are getting ready for the cold weather that is just knocking on our door. I love fall and all of its wonders! :) It is my most favorite season, and I always look forward to it. :)  I mean, just the way it smells is wonderful! :)  Autumn in Ohio is awesome... especially in Amish Country. All of the bright colored leaves falling from their trees, the smell of someone baking a fresh Apple or Pumpkin pie, walking through a large pumpkin patch, and drinking hot Apple Cider... it is all something to look forward to. :)  I just keep on counting down the days until the actual day... :)
Have a Blessed day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this, Chelsea! The pictures for our eyes are beautiful and the pictures you created with your words are wonderful!

I am looking forward to fall in Ohio as well. For all of these reasons, but also because we get to spend it together as a family making memories and just enjoying these beautiful days.

Much love, my dear.